Wednesday, August 26, 2009


an example of when i persisted in something was in gymnastics i was about to quit before our grading but in the end i decided to stick with it and got the top mark out of my whole gym class i also got lots of badges and medals i was so proud of my self

a famous person who persisted with somthing was barack obama he persisted by keeping going during the presidental nominations .

my b-day

i had an awsome birthday i got a mp4 and it plays movies and has got a camera and camcorda on it to its really cool i went to the acquatic center for my party and had a sleepover afterwards it was awsome and i got a boston mudcake it was really nice but sickly at the same time .

Monday, June 22, 2009

My Mums b-day

On the 26th of June this friday it is my mums birthday and for her birthday i have bourght her a pair of sheep PJs because she loves sheep so much and a big huge bar of dairy milk chocolate and also for the main present i have got her a jade necklace it is a heart shaped one and it is so cool im sure she will love it xx

Mini Marathon and RISSA Cross Country

I participated in the mini marathon for school and it was really fun it was a bit easy but a bit hard but in the end i did come 21st but if i would have come in the top 20 but i had a real bad leg and a it was so sore so i pretty much had to limp to the finish line but i still came close to the top 20 so im proud of my self but Keri came 7th go Keri but i have been chosen to go to RISSA cross country that is on the 1st of July but that's going to be good because i will be able to give everyone a pinch and a punch for the first of the month nahhh just kidding but that's quite a good a idea he he wish me luck for the 1st of July xx


Keri is my bestie and my sister she is awsome in every way she makes you laugh all day shes got the meanest giggle but the best thing i like about keri is ? hummm nahh just kidding keri is like the best mate in the whole world if you ask her what her favourite animal is she will say the dolphin and the leather back turtle we laugh at little things but most of the time it is crack up. But the best thing about keri is you can talk to her about pretty much anything and you dont need to act different around keri because me and her are just like the same hope we stay besties for ever chow my sister xx

CHOCOLATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love chocolate soooooooooooooooooo much and we were allowed to sell a box of chocolates for fundraising and i bourght like half the box no kidding i like literally bourght the whole box chocolate is so yum and tasty i could like live on chocolate i love caramello it is sooo rich and creamy and um well it is just really yum thats enough about chocolate now sorry i just go a little crazy when i hear about it but the question i really want to know is why does chocolate taste soooo good well thats what im gonna find out so check out my blog next week and i will have discovered why chocolate tastes so good toodles XxXXxxx

Monday, June 8, 2009

C ammy's my nick name
A aron is my mate
M y sister is Keri
E veryone i love
L olly is my middle name
I nterested in netball ,tennis and soccer
A nd will always love sushi

My poem

I love you
I love chocolate
I love dogs
I love dolphins but i especially love ME !!!!
Im unique in my own little way
and love going in the garden to play
I eat lots of bread
all my friends are off their head
I am sweet most of the time
except when i hear a rhyme
I especially love you i hope you love me too

Monday, June 1, 2009

the weekend

On the weekend i went to my mates Mikaela's house and stayed there 2 nights it was sooo cool we rented movies and ate loads of lollies and did i mention she is one of my best friends in the whole world and including Keri-Marie me and Mikaela (Micky) for short have been friends since 2 years ago not very long ay but still. she goes to Rotorua intermediate and i now go to kaitao as you can see i hope i will see mikaela again soon p.s. did you know that on the 1st of june 2009 (Yesterday)
i ate 2 pancakes 1 omlet (cheese,tomato,ham) and a piece of toast PIGGY oink oink !!!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

the weekend

On the weekend i went to the movies and saw star trek it was sooo cool and then i bribed my dad to by me this grey t-shirt with a cookie monster face on it ( so cute ) well that was my weekend mainly but i was also suppose to go to my friends house for a sleepover but she was sick so i couldn't but i am going next weekend instead so thats cool well see you xxxxxxx

Monday, May 11, 2009


On the weekend me and my family including my dog went to stay in a beach house it was sooo cool cause we could walk out the back garden and just walk on to the beach its soooo cool i went for a swim every day we were there and i went body boarding 2 and i was jumping over the waves and trying to dodge them and my dog was jumping with me it was really funny well g2g bye xxxx

Monday, May 4, 2009


Me and my mate Keri-Marie

The weekend

i had a great weekend because my friend came over and stayed the night and then the next day mum payed for us to go and see 17 again at the movies it was really cool and Zac Efron looks so cool with curly hair and after we got back from the movies we went to my next door neighbors and played with my other friend Alice and guess who came over it was my friend Libby she has moved down to Palmerston north so me, Mikaela, Libby and Alice played round at Alice's house and then went on to my house it was sad saying goodbye to all my friends because Alice and Mikaela go to rotorua intermediate and Libby goes to a school in P.N. well g2g Apple z is showing us something bye xxxxxx

Monday, April 27, 2009

Hi my name is Camelia or Cammy for short i luv goin to kaitao middle school i have made heaps of awsome friends and have a awsome teacher. My goal I have set for myself while im at kaitao is to become a school leader and either head or deputy head girl i am a house captain for BOSSON HOUSE yeh yeh go bosson and did i mention im a huge bosson supporter i luv this skool so much and wish i could spend the rest of my school years here heres a few things about me

I have 1 brother and i have 2 fish and 1 dog called Jess
my best friends at this skool i have made are Keri-Marie and paige

Fav food: sushi,salmon and chocolate
Fav animal: Elephant and Dolphin
Fav Colour: Blue (for bosson !)

I was really sad when i was out of zone for rotz (rotorua intermediate ) because i had just moved from england and need to make some new friends at my primary school (westbrook primary )
and then i was getting split from all of my freinds at westbrook and had to make a whole lot of new mates here but ive got there it was hard at first but i made loads of new friends now and have had loads of oppertunites that i probarley wouldnt have got at Rotorua Intermediate .

dis skools great xxxxx